Lavender Lemonade


Kick off this summer with our refreshing Lavender Lemonade pals! A mix of pastel yellow and spring lilac colors complements any by-the-pool plants! Pull up a chair and grab a cup to share!

This is only 1 snake, despite the double name.

Please note that sizes vary, and these are not large snakes. These are roughly between 2.5 - 3.5 inches. Depending on the pose they are settled in, sizes may seem smaller. THESE FIT IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND.

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Kick off this summer with our refreshing Lavender Lemonade pals! A mix of pastel yellow and spring lilac colors complements any by-the-pool plants! Pull up a chair and grab a cup to share!

This is only 1 snake, despite the double name.

Please note that sizes vary, and these are not large snakes. These are roughly between 2.5 - 3.5 inches. Depending on the pose they are settled in, sizes may seem smaller. THESE FIT IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND.

Kick off this summer with our refreshing Lavender Lemonade pals! A mix of pastel yellow and spring lilac colors complements any by-the-pool plants! Pull up a chair and grab a cup to share!

This is only 1 snake, despite the double name.

Please note that sizes vary, and these are not large snakes. These are roughly between 2.5 - 3.5 inches. Depending on the pose they are settled in, sizes may seem smaller. THESE FIT IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND.

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